Saturday, June 21, 2014

My BE2014 Experience

My BE2014 Experience
How can I be?

June 16th-21st

This previous week my Testimony has been strengthened greatly. Being able to be apart of Youth Conference was just amazing experience for me. Being able to be apart of the staff, and seeing everything come together over months of planning, and thousands of hours of work and stress for everyone.

June 16th: Not a lot happened this day. I started off going up to Zarahemla Monday afternoon with Steve to help set up the audio equipment for the reenactments. Testing everything, making sure everything was set up properly, etc. Although none of the Youth were up there, you could tell something amazing was about to happen. While we were setting up everything it began to rain, we had to cover all the equipment so it wouldn't get wet, obviously. And that was just the beginning of the rain.

June 17th: A lot happened that day, uncovering and recovering equipment, making sure everything was alright. The Youth started showing up with the leaders. Rain was pouring down continually. We managed to get one reenactment done at the camp outside before it got any worse. So, we eventually all piled into the lodge it being extremely cramped inside. You could tell by the looks of some people, and the energy in the room several people were upset at the current circumstance with the rain. So, we decided to do the “Hallelujah sign song. Not entirely sure why were doing it but, we did it. I hooked up the T.V. and my Xbox to allow those who were apart of that scene to see what they were exactly doing. Steve was in charge of the audio for that, and I was in charge of the video. I still have mixed feelings due to what happened during this scene. The audio and the video weren't synced together correctly. So, it was pretty interesting.
We also were setting up the equipment for the Great and Spacious building for the Iron Rod. That turned out to be a no-go that night. The weather didn't work very well with us. Things were blowing around, it was too cold, the tarp they put up for the walls were blowing around continually. Eventually it was time for bed, I got about 5-6 hours of sleep, enough to last me for the day surprisingly.

June 18th: There was an announcement made that morning explaining why we had the rain. And that it was to help humble everyone, before we could be taught. I pondered on it, and I found it to be true. I felt much better that day, although we didn't have much sunshine we still had the opportunity to have the reenactments outside that day. We did one of my reenactments that I put together (the audio) King Benjamin, it turned out great, it was very powerful, and the music was great. Thanks to Two Steps From Hell, their new Album Miracles. The other reenactments went great as well.

Later that night we finally got to set up everything for the Iron Rod activity. I was in the Great and Spacious building with a lot of other adults, just partying having fun. Or so I thought I was having fun. Having the Youth come through the Great and Spacious building, and going past all of the other temptations that we had set up there for them during the Iron Rod activity, and then having them come into the building, where I was in changed my perspective on how firm we really should be when holding onto the rod. Tempting others to leave the Iron Rod and come to take apart of the worldly things we had to tempt them with wasn't easy. Although this didn't bother me at the time but, seeing very few decide to let go and take apart of the activities that we had for them now really hurts to think about. There was one Youth in particular that stood out to me out of all them. I don’t know his name, I don’t know what Ward he came from but what he did, was unlike any of the other Youth. He didn't let go of the Iron Rod, he didn't even look at the things we were shoving into his face to take apart of, we couldn't stop him, he just looked straight forward. And seeing how firmly he had his mind and his heart set on Christ and the Iron Rod just made me feel so amazed, and happy of how much of an example he was to me and the others around him. Just thinking about that Youth member just honestly touches my heart and shows to me that we all need to be like him, don’t even look, for a second of  what the world wants us to do. Place your Heart, Mind, and Sight on Jesus Christ, and you can get through anything.  It’s true. And for whoever that particular Youth member is, I thank you for such an example you are to me and those around you, and for the strength that you gave me. There were others that came into the Great and Spacious building that said they didn’t want to be there. We were obviously doing our job, but probably too well. I also had the opportunity to bear my Testimony that night at the ward gathering to share the experience I had in the Great and Spacious building, and example I was of myself of who others I will run into on my Mission in New York.

June 19th: Having Brady Evans help me lift a couch up and take it up to the Amphitheatre makes me think more about helping and serving others. Willing to help someone, when needing to be somewhere else.  

Seeing the Stripling Warrior reenactment was amazing. Seeing all the Young Men come down and were willing to fight for their God, for their Families, and their Religion without hesitation. No, the reenactment wasn't necessarily real. But it was a pure example of one of the many things that truly did happen in the Book of Mormon.

That night we reenacted the coming of Christ. But before all that, I saw all of the Youth blindfolded and having to put their trust in their tribal leaders who were a example of Christ, to help them along the way. Showing them that they are never alone. And that they can put their trust in our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. As the Youth were being escorted into the amphitheater those who were involved in the reenactment came down into the make-up tent to have a final prayer. The prayer was extremely powerful. And it felt as if Christ was truly there, standing in front of us. Seeing the wounds in his hands, just hurts me to think that people would want to harm someone who does nothing but good deeds for everyone just hurts. After the prayer we left the tent and headed up to the amphitheater this is where Christ came after he was resurrected. Seeing the looks on the faces of the Youth just touched me so deeply. The Spirit was so strong, and the love of God was there with us. Seeing some of the Youth even get up and hug him made it even more powerful. And one of the most amazing things was one of the Youth came running down the hill after him and gave him a hug. Seeing the look on Taylor Andersons, and Jacob Dixons face just made me melt down. Showing me that we all want to be loved, and that we are loved by our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Especially by those around you.
After this special event we all headed back to our Ward area where several bared their testimonies. Hearing one say that they received an answer to a prayer about a Mission, and that they should go on one. Another saying that the Gospel is really just about love. Another one saying that Jesus will always have his arms open to us, and that one day we will all be able to hug him. I received an answer about what I should do about my job. The Spirit was Strong, Calming, and Peaceful. The Spirit left a powerful influence on everyone that night. I felt it, we all did.  They never managed to get the fire going during the Testimony meeting, but I never felt cold. I felt warmth it was amazing, the Spirit can make you feel all sorts of things. The Spirit is real.  

June 20th: Today was sadly that last day up at Camp Zarahemla for Youth Conference. The Spirit was especially strong today. Hugs were shared, Testimonies were born. We had the final battle between the Lamanites and The Nephites. Joseph returned the plates to Moroni. Hearing Emily Mardsden sing For Our Day was especially powerful and beautiful.  And seeing Derek hug his sister after she finished singing they both showed one of the most powerful things that happened that Youth Conference. They showed love within the family. It bears Testimony to me that by loving your family will keep your family together and strong.

One of my favorite parts that happened today was I was just coiling up a cord, and Carter Johnson came up to me, asking if I needed help. And as coiling isn’t even that difficult of a task, it just made me think more of the Savior that he would ask anyone if he could help them.

June 21st: Today was a special day. I saw more acts of Christ throughout the Youth. It’s amazing how big of an impact BE2014 was on everyone. We were able to have a few reenactments done today at the ballpark at the 6th and 10th ward building. The Spirit was there, I felt it. I feel it now. Seeing the select few again, was just a blessing for all of us. And especially the Youth, being able to reenact them again, to relive the feeling that they got from being up there.

My Testimony was immensely strengthened this week about the Book of Mormon. That it truly did happen, that it is the word of God, given to us for our time. That the Book of Mormon was translated by Joseph Smith, and that he was truly a prophet of God. That restored this Gospel to the earth. My love has grown for the Youth and the members of our Stake. I know that Christ lives, and he is our Savior, and that he can help us through ANY TRIAL. The Church is true, the Gospel is true, all things that have been taught by our Prophets are true. And that we should follow the example of others holding firm to the Iron Rod. I say these things humbly in the Lord thy Son, Jesus Christ, amen.

“...Oh tell me how can I be like them”
“...Oh tell me how can I be like him”

“… Do not give up if at first you fail. … Do not give up. That brilliant morning will come.”

The Brilliant Morning of Forgiveness, Ensign, November 1995, 20.

Friday, September 6, 2013


Hey guys! Could you all do me a favor and check out my friends awesome facebook with awesome clothing!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Learning by Faith

      "..learning by faith opens the pathway into the heart." ~David A. Bednar
Just a cool little quote to start things off here. =)

So, I’m sitting there preparing my Devotional for Seminary. Just thinking, and writing down things that stand out to me. Then, a thought came to me. “Use what you have written, but also teach by the spirit.” I decided to research some ways I could approach the class for this devotional by teaching by the spirit. Here's a few things I came across.

"A teacher of the gospel should humbly recognize that the Holy Ghost is the true teacher. You can become an instrument through whom the Holy Ghost can teach, testify, comfort, and inspire. The Holy Ghost will guide you in your teaching as you properly prepare yourself." -

To teach by the Spirit, it is important that you have a testimony of what you are teaching. During the lesson, bear that testimony to those you are teaching, as guided by the Holy Ghost." -

The Spirit is a powerful tool that you can use yourself individually at any time, or anywhere.
Anyways, this is going to help me greatly for my Devotional. It's always nice to start off Seminary with the warm welcoming of the Spirit. =)

Thanks, to the like..three of you that actually view these blog posts. I actually got 20 views in the last month! How shocking. This blog post wasn't very well put together, seeing as it's rather late at night, but I hope it helps non-the-less.  =)     

Monday, March 19, 2012

Why does God?

This subject came up in Seminary the other day about, "Does God really love his children?"  "Does he really care for us?" "Sense we believe in him, why does so many horrible things happen throughout the world?" "How can we tell if he's real?"
And, my Seminary teacher pointed out these scriptures.

If you're ever asked "How do you know if God is real?"

Answer with this;

Jacob 2 34: 2

" O all yea that are pure in heart, lift up your heads and receive the pleasing word of God, and feast upon his love; for ye may, if your minds are firm, forever."

If you're ever asked. "Then why does he make other suffer so much?"

Answer with this;

1 Nephi 11: 17

"I know that he loveth his children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things."

This will help you greatly. Especially if you ever plan to go on a mission.

"If w don't have the word of God or don't cling to and heed the word of God, we will wander off in strange paths and be lost as individuals, as families, and as nations." ~Rober D. Hales

:Ensign Nov. 2006

The reason I now post this is because there is a person I follow on YouTube and I have gained much respect for him, and I've tried to help him get past with many problems in his life. I've followed him ever sense 2008. Loved his videos dearly. But, today he posted a video "Scientifically Proving that God isn't real." This greatly disturbed me. And this is hence, why I made this post. If you ever come across someone that asks you these questions, or something similar to these. Answer with these if you don't know how else to answer.

All the best!

Kind Regards,


Monday, February 27, 2012

Ah, the Scriptures and Seminary! :)

Ah, the Scriptures and Seminary! :)

I was reading in Samuel in Seminary the other day. 1 Samuel 18: 1 As I saw that it made me think, it applies to us as well! So, I came up with a cool little quote. "Your soul will be knit together with another soul in love, and eternity some day."

Here's the Scripture.

And it came to pass when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. ~ 1 Samuel 18: 1

So yeah, I just thought that was way cool! :) It get's you thinking! :D

All the best!

Kind Regards,